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5 Businesses Will Earn You Money in Turkey
Publish Date: 08-Nov, 2023

5 Businesses Will Earn You Money in Turkey

5 Business will earn you money in Turkey are: Automobile parts imports,  property investment, textile export, start a restaurant in Turkey, and construction business.

The profitability of these businesses in Turkey can vary significantly due to a variety of factors. 

Here are some reasons why such businesses in Turkey may be more profitable than others:

Market Demand: 

The above-mentioned businesses cater to high and consistent market demand tend to be more profitable and they have stable demand, ensuring a steady stream of customers.

Economic Trends: 

Economic conditions and trends in Turkey can greatly impact the success of those businesses. In some periods, certain industries may experience growth due to economic factors, while others may struggle. 


The level of competition in these industries can influence profitability. If an industry is oversaturated with businesses offering similar products or services, it can be challenging to stand out and maintain high profit margins. Conversely, businesses with less competition may have more pricing power.


The geographic location of a business can significantly affect its profitability. For example, opening a restaurant in a popular tourist destination may have higher profit potential than one in a less-traveled area. Similarly, a retail store's success can be influenced by its proximity to target customers.

Regulations and Government Policies: 

Government regulations and policies can impact businesses in various ways. Some industries may benefit from favorable government incentives or reduced regulations, while others may face more stringent rules that affect their profitability.

Innovation and Technology: 

Embracing innovation and technology can lead to increased efficiency and competitiveness, which can translate into higher profits. Businesses that adopt the latest technology trends are often better positioned to succeed.

Skills and Expertise: 

The knowledge, skills, and experience of the business owner and employees can be critical. Having a team with expertise in a particular industry can lead to better decision-making and efficient operations, contributing to higher profitability.

Market Research and Strategy: 

Conducting thorough market research and developing a solid business strategy can significantly impact a business's success. Understanding customer preferences, pricing strategies, and effective marketing can lead to increased profits.

Customer Base: 

Building a loyal and repeat customer base can lead to stable revenue streams and higher profitability. Businesses that prioritize customer satisfaction and retention often perform better financially.

Supply Chain and Costs: 

Efficient supply chain management and cost control are essential for profitability. Reducing overhead costs, optimizing inventory management, and negotiating favorable supplier agreements can improve a business's bottom line.

Why Will These Businesses Earn You Money in Turkey? 

1- Automobile Parts Imports

Importing automobile parts can be a profitable business in Turkey for several reasons:

Thriving Automotive Industry: 

Turkey has a well-established and growing automotive industry. The country is home to major automobile manufacturers, such as Ford, Toyota, Renault, and Hyundai. These companies rely on a steady supply of high-quality automobile parts and components for their production lines. As a result, there is a consistent and substantial demand for automotive parts in Turkey.

Local Automotive Repair Market: 

Beyond automobile manufacturers, there is a robust market for automotive repair and maintenance services. Independent repair shops, mechanics, and service centers require a constant supply of replacement parts to keep vehicles on the road. This creates a secondary market for automobile parts in Turkey.

Import Dependency: 

While Turkey has a significant automotive industry, it does not produce all the necessary parts domestically. Many automobile parts are imported to meet the industry's needs. As an importer, you can tap into this dependency on foreign suppliers to provide essential components.

Variety of Parts: 

The automotive industry relies on a vast array of parts and components, ranging from engine parts and electronics to body panels and tires. This diversity allows for specialization and niche opportunities within the industry. You can choose to focus on specific types of parts that are in high demand or have less competition.

Global Trade Network: 

Turkey has a well-developed network of international trade connections, including established trade routes and ports. This makes it relatively straightforward to import automobile parts from various countries, providing access to a wide range of suppliers and competitive pricing.

Emerging Technologies: 

The automotive industry is constantly evolving with new technologies, especially in electric and autonomous vehicles. As the industry shifts toward these innovations, there is a growing demand for specialized components and parts, presenting opportunities for businesses to supply cutting-edge solutions.

Economic Stability: 

Turkey has experienced periods of economic growth and stability, which can contribute to a favorable business environment. A stable economy often leads to increased consumer spending on automobiles and automotive services, driving demand for parts.

Strategic Location: 

Turkey's geographical location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia provides a strategic advantage for trade. It serves as a bridge between markets in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, potentially expanding your customer base beyond domestic borders.

Customization and Aftermarket Parts

Some consumers and automotive enthusiasts seek customization and performance enhancements for their vehicles. This market segment may require specialized or aftermarket parts, creating additional business opportunities.

Government Support: 

The Turkish government has at times provided incentives and support to businesses operating in the automotive sector, further enhancing the potential profitability of automobile parts imports.

2- Property Investment

Property investment can be profitable in Turkey for several compelling reasons:

Strong Real Estate Market: 

Turkey's real estate market has experienced significant growth in recent years. Factors such as urbanization, population growth, and increased tourism have driven demand for residential, commercial, and vacation properties. This robust market can present lucrative opportunities for property investors.

Tourism Industry: 

Turkey is a popular tourist destination with a rich cultural heritage, beautiful coastlines, and historical sites. The tourism industry has been steadily growing, attracting millions of visitors each year. Property investors can benefit from this trend by purchasing properties for short-term rentals or vacation homes.

Economic Stability: 

Turkey has enjoyed periods of economic stability, which can be favorable for property investments. Stable economic conditions typically lead to increased consumer confidence and real estate transactions. Additionally, Turkey's strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia makes it an attractive destination for international investors.

Foreign Investment: 

Turkey has made efforts to attract foreign investors, offering various incentives and policies to encourage investment in real estate. These incentives may include citizenship programs for property buyers meeting specific criteria, which can be particularly appealing to international investors.

Affordable Property Prices: 

Compared to many European countries, property prices in Turkey are relatively affordable. This affordability can attract both local and foreign investors looking for cost-effective real estate opportunities.

Rental Income Potential: 

Investing in rental properties can provide a steady stream of income. With the growing demand for housing and tourism accommodations, rental properties in desirable locations can generate consistent rental income for property owners.

Capital Appreciation: 

Over the years, property values in key Turkish cities, such as Istanbul, have appreciated significantly. This potential for capital appreciation can offer property investors the opportunity to build wealth over time as property values increase.

Diverse Property Types: 

Turkey offers a wide range of property types, from apartments and villas to commercial spaces and hotels. This diversity allows investors to choose properties that align with their investment goals and risk tolerance.

Infrastructure Development: 

Turkey has invested in infrastructure development, including transportation and urban infrastructure. These developments can increase the attractiveness of certain locations for property investments and may lead to higher property values.

Cultural and Historical Appeal: 

Turkey's rich cultural history and heritage make it an appealing destination for people looking to invest in properties with unique character and charm. Historic properties and those in culturally significant areas can be particularly attractive to investors.

Real Estate Professionals: 

Turkey has a well-established real estate industry with experienced professionals who can assist investors in navigating the market, making informed decisions, and managing properties.

3- Textile Export

Textile export can be a profitable business in Turkey for several reasons:

Established Textile Industry: 

Turkey has a well-developed and dynamic textile industry with a long history of textile production. The country has a strong tradition of manufacturing textiles, making it a reliable source for quality textile products.

Competitive Advantage: 

Turkey is known for producing high-quality textiles at competitive prices. The combination of skilled labor, advanced machinery, and efficient production processes allows Turkish textile manufacturers to offer competitive pricing to international buyers.

Variety of Textile Products: 

Turkish textile manufacturers produce a wide range of textile products, including apparel, home textiles (bedding, towels, curtains), technical textiles, and more. This versatility allows exporters to cater to diverse global markets and customer preferences.

Proximity to Key Markets: 

Turkey's strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East positions it as a convenient export hub. This geographic advantage enables Turkish textile exporters to reach various markets with ease, reducing transportation costs and transit times.

Customization and Private Labeling: 

Turkish textile manufacturers are often flexible and willing to accommodate customization and private labeling requests from international buyers. This capability allows exporters to meet specific customer demands and tap into niche markets.

Quality and Innovation: 

Turkish textile producers invest in research and development to stay at the forefront of textile innovation. This commitment to quality and innovation ensures that Turkish textiles remain competitive and attractive to gl

obal buyers.

Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Practices: 

Many Turkish textile manufacturers prioritize sustainability and eco-friendly practices, which align with the growing global demand for sustainable and ethically produced textiles. Such practices can be a selling point for exporters in environmentally conscious markets.

Free Trade Agreements: 

Turkey has established free trade agreements with various countries and regions, providing preferential trade terms and reducing trade barriers. These agreements can make Turkish textile exports more cost-effective for international buyers.

Experienced Workforce

Turkey has a skilled and experienced workforce in the textile industry, including designers, technicians, and production staff. This expertise contributes to the high quality and efficiency of textile manufacturing.

Government Support: 

The Turkish government has historically supported the textile industry through various incentives and programs aimed at promoting exports. These initiatives can benefit textile exporters by reducing costs and increasing competitiveness.

Access to Raw Materials: 

Turkey has access to a variety of raw materials, including cotton, wool, and synthetic fibers. This access to raw materials contributes to the country's ability to produce a wide range of textile products.

Cultural and Fashion Influence: 

Turkey's rich cultural heritage and its status as a global fashion hub can enhance the appeal of Turkish textiles. Products with unique designs and cultural significance can attract international buyers.

E-commerce Opportunities: 

The growth of e-commerce has expanded opportunities for textile exporters to reach global consumers directly through online marketplaces and their own e-commerce platforms.

While textile export in Turkey offers significant potential for profitability, it's important for exporters to conduct thorough market research, establish reliable supply chains, build relationships with international buyers, and stay informed about changing market dynamics and regulations to maximize success in this competitive industry.

4- Start a Restaurant in Turkey

Starting a restaurant in Turkey can be a profitable venture for several reasons:

Culinary Diversity: 

Turkey is known for its rich and diverse cuisine, which includes a wide range of dishes influenced by various cultures and regions. From kebabs and baklava to mezes and seafood, Turkish cuisine appeals to both locals and tourists. A well-curated menu that highlights authentic Turkish flavors can attract a broad customer base.

Tourism Industry: 

Turkey is a popular tourist destination, welcoming millions of visitors each year. Tourists often seek out local cuisine, providing restaurants with a steady flow of customers, especially in tourist-heavy areas like Istanbul, Antalya, and Bodrum. This can lead to higher sales and revenue during peak seasons.

Local Dining Culture: 

Eating out is a significant part of Turkish culture. People frequently dine at restaurants, cafes, and eateries, creating a consistent demand for dining establishments. This dining culture contributes to the sustainability of restaurants in Turkey.

Affordable Dining Options: 

Turkey offers a wide range of dining options, from budget-friendly street food vendors to upscale restaurants. As a restaurant owner, you can choose your target market and pricing strategy based on your location and concept. Offering affordable dining options can attract both local residents and budget-conscious tourists.

Growing Middle Class: 

Turkey has a growing middle class with disposable income to spend on dining experiences. This demographic often seeks quality food and dining experiences, presenting opportunities for restaurants to cater to this market segment.

Local Sourcing: 

Turkey's abundant agriculture and favorable climate allow restaurants to source fresh and local ingredients, reducing food costs and ensuring quality. This can positively impact profit margins and the overall dining experience.

Economic Stability: 

Periods of economic stability in Turkey can boost consumer confidence and spending on dining out. A stable economy can create a favorable environment for restaurant businesses.

Government Support: 

The Turkish government has implemented measures to support the restaurant and tourism industry, including incentives, tax breaks, and initiatives to promote local businesses. These measures can reduce operating costs and increase profitability.

Unique Concepts and Themes: 

Innovative and unique restaurant concepts and themes can attract customers looking for novel dining experiences. Creativity in design, cuisine, and ambiance can set your restaurant apart and generate buzz, leading to increased business.

Loyalty Programs and Marketing: 

Implementing customer loyalty programs, effective marketing strategies, and online presence can help attract and retain customers. Building a loyal customer base can lead to repeat business and increased profitability over time.

Nightlife and Entertainment: 

Some restaurants in Turkey also function as nightlife venues, offering live music, entertainment, or themed parties in the evenings. This can increase revenue by drawing in late-night crowds.

Local Partnerships: 

Collaborating with local suppliers and businesses can lead to cost-effective sourcing and cross-promotional opportunities, further enhancing profitability.

5- Construction Business

Starting a restaurant in Turkey can be a profitable venture for several reasons:

Culinary Diversity: 

Turkey is known for its rich and diverse cuisine, which includes a wide range of dishes influenced by various cultures and regions. From kebabs and baklava to mezes and seafood, Turkish cuisine appeals to both locals and tourists. A well-curated menu that highlights authentic Turkish flavors can attract a broad customer base.

Tourism Industry: 

Turkey is a popular tourist destination, welcoming millions of visitors each year. Tourists often seek out local cuisine, providing restaurants with a steady flow of customers, especially in tourist-heavy areas like Istanbul, Antalya, and Bodrum. This can lead to higher sales and revenue during peak seasons.

Local Dining Culture: 

Eating out is a significant part of Turkish culture. People frequently dine at restaurants, cafes, and eateries, creating a consistent demand for dining establishments. This dining culture contributes to the sustainability of restaurants in Turkey.

Affordable Dining Options: 

Turkey offers a wide range of dining options, from budget-friendly street food vendors to upscale restaurants. As a restaurant owner, you can choose your target market and pricing strategy based on your location and concept. Offering affordable dining options can attract both local residents and budget-conscious tourists.

Growing Middle Class: 

Turkey has a growing middle class with disposable income to spend on dining experiences. This demographic often seeks quality food and dining experiences, presenting opportunities for restaurants to cater to this market segment.

Local Sourcing: 

Turkey's abundant agriculture and favorable climate allow restaurants to source fresh and local ingredients, reducing food costs and ensuring quality. This can positively impact profit margins and the overall dining experience.

Economic Stability: 

Periods of economic stability in Turkey can boost consumer confidence and spending on dining out. A stable economy can create a favorable environment for restaurant businesses.

Government Support: 

The Turkish government has implemented measures to support the restaurant and tourism industry, including incentives, tax breaks, and initiatives to promote local businesses. These measures can reduce operating costs and increase profitability.

Unique Concepts and Themes: 

Innovative and unique restaurant concepts and themes can attract customers looking for novel dining experiences. Creativity in design, cuisine, and ambiance can set your restaurant apart and generate buzz, leading to increased business.

Loyalty Programs and Marketing: 

Implementing customer loyalty programs, effective marketing strategies, and online presence can help attract and retain customers. Building a loyal customer base can lead to repeat business and increased profitability over time.

Nightlife and Entertainment: 

Some restaurants in Turkey also function as nightlife venues, offering live music, entertainment, or themed parties in the evenings. This can increase revenue by drawing in late-night crowds.

Local Partnerships: 

Collaborating with local suppliers and businesses can lead to cost-effective sourcing and cross-promotional opportunities, further enhancing profitability.

How to Take The Advantage of The 5 Businesses to Open Your Own Business?

To take advantage of these businesses in Turkey, you need a well-thought-out strategy and a systematic approach. Here are steps to help you make the most of this opportunity:

Market Research:

Begin by conducting thorough market research to identify the specific segments of any of the above mentioned businesses in Turkey that offer the greatest potential. This includes understanding the demand for various types of business. 

Identify Suppliers:

Establish relationships with a reputable business suppliers from countries known for quality and cost-effective production. Research and vet potential suppliers to ensure they meet quality standards and can provide competitive pricing.

Regulatory Compliance:

Familiarize yourself with Turkish import regulations, customs procedures, and any specific requirements related to your chosen business. Ensure that your business complies with all legal and regulatory obligations.

Logistics and Supply Chain:

Develop a reliable and efficient logistics and supply chain system. This includes selecting transportation methods, optimizing management, and addressing any potential issues related to customs clearance and transportation routes.

Market Entry Strategy:

Determine your market entry strategy, which could include selling directly to consumers. Consider the most profitable and sustainable channels for distribution.

Pricing Strategy:

Develop a competitive pricing strategy that takes into account your costs, local market conditions, and the pricing practices of competitors.

Quality Assurance:

Implement quality assurance measures to ensure the parts you import meet or exceed industry standards. Regularly inspect and test products to maintain consistent quality.

Marketing and Promotion:

Promote your business through various channels, including online platforms, trade shows, and industry publications. Build a strong online presence to reach a broader audience.

Customer Relationships:

Cultivate strong relationships with your customers, including manufacturers, repair shops, and other businesses in your industry. Provide excellent customer service and respond promptly to inquiries and orders.

Adapt to Market Trends:

Stay informed about the latest trends and technological advancements in your selected industry. Be ready to adapt your product offerings to align with changing customer preferences and industry developments.

Financial Management:

Maintain a solid financial management system to track expenses, revenues, and profitability. Monitor your financial health and make adjustments as necessary to ensure profitability.

Legal and Compliance Issues:

Stay up-to-date with any changes in import regulations, taxes, or tariffs that may affect your business. Comply with all legal requirements to avoid potential disruptions.

Continuous Improvement:

Continuously assess your business processes and seek opportunities for improvement. Look for ways to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Risk Management:

Develop a risk management strategy that includes contingency plans for potential challenges.


Build a strong network within the selected industry by attending trade shows, industry events, and joining relevant associations. Networking can lead to valuable partnerships and opportunities.

Remember that success in any business in Turkey requires dedication, resilience, and a commitment to delivering high-quality products and services. Continuously monitor market conditions and adapt your strategy to stay competitive and profitable.